Recommendations for the description of DNA
sequence variants - v2.0
Last modified January 28, 2016
NOTE: this website is frozen
since May 1, 2016. It has been replaced by a new version at http://www.HGVS.org/varnomen.
These pages serve as archival copy only.
- Recommendations
- Explanations / examples
DNA level
(suggestions extending the published
recommendations are
in italics)
- nucleotides
description of nucleotides at DNA level follows the recommendations
of the IUPAC-IUBMB.Nucleotides
are designated by the bases, in upper case, A (adenine), C (cytosine), G
(guanine), T (thymidine), including those for uncertain nucleotides like
Y (pYrimidine) and R (puRine), (see
- nucleotide numbering (for details
and examples see Reference Sequence discussions)
- coding DNA reference sequence (see
Examples and Figure)
- there is no nucleotide 0
- nucleotide 1 is the A of the ATG-translation initiation codon
- the nucleotide 5' of the ATG-translation initiation
codon is -1, the previous -2, etc.
- the
nucleotide 3' of the translation stop codon is *1, the
next *2, etc.
- intronic nucleotides (coding DNA reference sequence
- beginning of the intron; the number of the last
nucleotide of the preceding exon, a plus sign and the
position in the intron, like c.77+1G, c.77+2T, ....
- end of the intron; the number of the first
nucleotide of the following exon, a minus sign and the
position upstream in the intron, like ..., c.78-2A, c.78-1G.
- in the middle of the intron, numbering changes
from "c.77+.." to "c.78-.."; for introns with an uneven
number of nucleotides the central nucleotide is the last
described with a "+" (see
- NOTE: the format c.IVS1+1G and c.IVS1-2G
should not be used (see
- genomic reference sequence (see
Examples and Figure)
- nucleotide numbering starts with 1 at the first nucleotide of
the sequence
NOTE: the sequence should include all nucleotides
covering the sequence (gene) of interest and should start well
5' of the promoter of a gene
- no +, - or other signs are used
- when the complete genomic sequence is not known, a coding DNA
reference sequence should be used
- for all descriptions the most 3' position possible is
arbitrarily assigned to have been changed (see
A nucleotide substitution is a sequence change where one
nucleotide is replaced by one other nucleotide (see
Standards - Definition). Nucleotide substituions are described
using a ">"-character (indicating "changes to").
NOTE: changes involving two or more consecutive nucleotides
are described as deletion/insertions (indels, see
- c.76A>C denotes that at nucleotide 76 an A is changed to a C
- c.-14G>C denotes a G to C substitution 14 nucleotides 5' of the ATG
translation initiation codon
- c.88+1G>T denotes the G to T substitution at nucleotide +1 of an
intron (in the coding DNA positioned between nucleotides 88 and 89)
- c.89-2A>C denotes the A to C substitution at nucleotide -2 of an
intron (in the coding DNA positioned between nucleotides 88 and 89)
- c.*46T>A denotes a T to A substitution 46 nucleotides 3' of the
translation termination codon
- the description c.76_77delinsTT is preferred over c.[76A>T;
based on the definition of a substitution (see
Standards - Definition; one nucleotide replaced by one other
nucleotide) this change can not be described as a substitution
(like c.76_77AG>TT or c.76AG>TT)
NOTE: it is not correct to describe "polymorphisms"
as c.76A/G (see Discussion).
A nucleotide deletion is a sequence change where one or more nucleotides
are removed (see see Standards -
Definition). Deletions are described using "del"
after an indication of the first and last nucleotide(s) deleted, separated
by a "_" (underscore). For all descriptions the most 3'
position possible is arbitrarily assigned to have been
NOTE: to discriminate known variable sequences from other
changes it is recommended to describe individual alleles differing from
the reference sequence like g.210T[5] (preferred over g.210_211delTT) or
g.121T[9] (preferred over g.210_211dupTT) (see
Repeated sequences).
- c.76_78del (alternatively c.76_78delACT) denotes a ACT deletion from
nucleotides 76 to 78
- deletions with uncharacterised breakpoints
(see Uncertainties)
- c.(87+1_88-1)_(923+1_924-1)del denotes a deletion of exons 3 to7
starting at an unknown position in intron 2 (between coding DNA
nucleotides 87+1 and 88-1) and ending at an unknown position in
intron 7 (between coding DNA nucleotides 923+1 and 924-1). The
description indicates that exons 2 and 8 have been tested and shown
not to be deleted
the description c.88-?_923+?del does not specify start/end of the
deletion and is not correct when flanking sequences have been tested
- c.(?_-30)_(*220_?)del denotes the deletion of the entire gene
(coding DNA reference sequence running from -30 (cap site) to *220
(polyA-addition site)
- c.88+101_oGJB2:c.355-1045del
denotes a deletion which ends in the flanking GJB2 gene at position
355-1045 (in the intron between nucleotides 354 and 355) on the
reverse strand (the genes are thus located and fused in opposite
transcriptional directions, see
- for all descriptions the most 3' position
possible is arbitrarily assigned to have been changed (see
- ACTTTGTGCC to ACTTGCC is described as c.5_7del
(c.5_7delTGT, not as c.4_6delTTG)
- ctttagGCATG to cttagGCATG in an intron is described as
c.301-3delT (not as c.301-5delT)
c.7_10del (c.7_10delTCTG) and not as c.4_7del (c.4_7delCTGT).
- AAAGAAGAGGAG to AAAG GAG is described as c.5_9del
(c.5_9delAAGAG) and not as c.3_7del (c.3_7delAGAAG)
- Exceptions
- using a coding DNA reference sequence there is an
exception to the rule around exon/intron and
exon/exon borders when identical nucleotides flank the
exon/intron or exon/exon border;
- when the exon 3/intron 3 border is ..CAGgtg.. and RNA
analysis shows no effect on splicing but a deletion of a G
the change ..CAGgtg.. to ..CAgtg.. is described as c.3delG and
not c.3+1delG.
- when exon 3 ends with ..CAA.. and exon 4 starts with
..ACG.. and the sequence of genomic DNA shows that the last
A-nucleotide of exon 3 is deleted (and not the first
A-nucleotide in exon 4), the deletion changing ..CAAACG.. to
..CAACG.. is described as c.3delA and not
- c.1210-12T(5_9) (not c.1210-6T(5_9)) describes the
variable stretch of 5 to 9 T-residues in intron 9 of the CFTR
gene. The most commonly used CFTR coding DNA reference sequence
contains a stretch of 7 T's (see Repeated
Duplications are designated by "dup" after an indication
of the first and last nucleotide(s) duplicated. It should be noted that
the description "dup" (see
Standards) may by definition only
be used when the sequence copy is directly 3'-flanking the original
copy. For all descriptions the most 3' position
possible is arbitrarily assigned to have been changed. For the addition of
more then 1 copy (3, 4, 5, etc.) see Repeated sequences
and see Discussion.
NOTE: to discriminate known variable sequences from other
changes it is recommended to describe individual alleles differing from
the reference sequence like g.210T[5] (preferred over g.215_216del) or
g.210T[9] (preferred over g.215_216dup) (see
Repeated sequences).
- duplicating insertions should be described as duplications (see
- g.5dupT (or g.5dup, not g.5_6insT) denotes a duplication
("insertion") of the T nucleotide at position 5 in the
genomic reference sequence changing ACTCTGTGCC to ACTCTTGTGCC
- g.7dupT (or g.7dup, not g.5dupT, not g.7_8insT) denotes
a duplication ("insertion") of the T nucleotide at position 7
in the genomic reference sequence changing AGACTTTGTGCC to AGACTTTTGTGCC
- g.7_8dup (or g.7_8dupTG, not g.5_6dup, not g.8_9insTG)
denotes a TG duplication in the TG-tandem repeat sequence changing
- g.7_8[4] (or g.5_6[4], or g.5TG[4], not g.7_10dup) is
the preferred description of the addition of two extra TG's to
the variable TG repeated sequence changing ACTTTGTGCC to ACTTTGTGTGTGCC
(see Repeated sequences)
- c.77_79dup (or c.77_79dupCTG) denotes that the three nucleotides 77 to
79 are duplicated (present twice)
- duplications with uncharacterised breakpoints
- c.(87+1_88-1)_(301+1_302-1)dup denotes a duplication of exons 3 to 4
starting at an unknown position in intron 2 (between coding DNA
nucleotides 87+1 and 88-1) and ending at an unknown position in intron
5 (between coding DNA nucleotides 301+1 and 302-1). The description
indicates that exons 2 and 5 have been tested and shown not to be
NOTE: the
description c.88-?_301+?dup does not specify start/end of the
duplication and is not correct when flanking sequences have been
tested (see
NOTE: the description "dup" (see
Standards) may by definition only be used
when the additional copy is directly 3'-flanking of the original
copy (tandem duplication). In many cases there will be no
experimental proof, the additional copy may be anywhere
in the genome (i.e. inserted). (see
- c.(1031+1_1032-1)_(1357+1_1358+1)[3]
denotes a direct triplication of an exon, starting at an
unknown position in the flanking upstream intron (upstream of coding
DNA nucleotide 1032) and ending at an unknown position in the flanking
downstram intron (downstream of coding DNA nucleotide 1357) (see
Repeated sequences)
Insertions are designated by "ins" after an indication of
the nucleotides flanking the insertion site, followed by a description of
the nucleotides inserted. Duplicating insertions should be described as
duplications (see Discussion), not
as insertion. For large insertions the number of inserted nucleotides
should be mentioned, together with an accession.version number referring
to a sequence database file containing the complete inserted
- c.76_77insT denotes that a T is inserted between nucleotides 76 and 77
of the coding DNA reference sequence
- c.123+54_123+55insAB012345.2:g.76_420 denotes an intronic insertion (
between nucleotides c.123+54 and 123+55) of 345 nucleotides (nucleotides
76 to 420 like in GenBank file AB012345 version 2)
NOTE: descriptions like c.123+54_123+55ins345 and
c.123+54_123+55insAlu are not allowed: "ins345" and "insAlu" are not
specified and the description can not be used to reconstruct the exact
change described.
Deletion / insertions (indels)
Deletion/insertions of two or more consecutive nucleotides (indels) are
described as a deletion followed by an insertion
(see Discussion).
- c.112_117delinsTG (alternatively c.112_117delAGGTCAinsTG) denotes the
replacement of nucleotides 112 to 117 (AGGTCA) by TG
- c.113delinsTACTAGC (alternatively c.113delGinsTACTAGC) denotes the
replacement of nucleotide 113 by 7 new nucleotides (TACTACG)
- c.114_115delinsA (alternative c.[114G>A; 115delT])
Inversions are designated by "inv" after an indication of the
first and last nucleotides affected by the inversion.
- c.203_506inv denotes that the 304 nucleotides from position 203 to
506 have been inverted
Conversions are designated by "con" after an indication
of the first and last nucleotides affected by the conversion, followed by
a description of the origin of the new nucleotides (see
- g.123_678conNG_012232.1:g.9456_10011 describes a gene conversion
replacing nucleotides 123 to 678 of the reference genomic sequence
with nucleotides 9456 to 10011 from the sequence as present in GenBank
file NG_012232.1
Translocations are described at the molecular level using the format
"t(X;4)(p21.2;q34)", followed by the usual numbering, indicating the
position translocation breakpoint. The sequences of the translocation
breakpoints need to be submitted to a sequence database (Genbank, EMBL,
DDJB) and the accession.version numbers should be given (see
- t(X;4)(p21.2;q35)(c.857+101_857+102) denotes a translocation
breakpoint in the intron between coding DNA nucleotides 857+101 and
857+102, joining chromosome bands Xp21.2 and 4q34
More changes in one individual
Two or more changes in a gene are described by combining the changes, per
chromosome (maternal and paternal), between square brackets ("[;];[;]")
and using a semicolon (";") as
separator: [first change maternal;
second change maternal]; [first change paternal; second change paternal]"
(see Discussion). When changes are in
different genes on different chromosomes a space ("
") is used to separate the different chromosomes ("[;] [;]").
NOTE: mixed
descriptions like c.[76A>C];g.[91C>G] should not be
- two changes in one gene on one
c.[76A>C; 83G>C] describes two changes found in a gene on one
chromosome; A to C change at nucleotide 76 and a G to C change at
nucleotide 83
- two changes in one gene on both
chromosomes (e.g. in recessive diseases)
c.[76A>C];[83G>C] describes two changes found in a gene on each
chromosome (one paternal, one maternal); A to C change at nucleotide 76
on one chromosome and a G to C change at nucleotide 83 on the other
- c.[76A>C];[76A>C] denotes a homozygous A to C change at
nucleotide 76
- c.[76A>C];[(76A>C)] denotes a homozygous A to C change at
nucleotide 76, not confirmed by analysis of both parents, leaving the
possibility of non-amplification of the sequences analysed on the
other chromosome (e.g. due to a primer mismatch or a deletion)
- c.[76A>C];[?] denotes a A to C change at nucleotide 76 in a gene
on one chromosome and an expected not yet detected change on the other
- c.[76A>C];[=] denotes a A to C change at nucleotide 76 in a gene
on one chromosome and a normal coding DNA Reference Sequence of the
other chromosome (see FAQ)
- c.[76A>C];[0]
denotes a A to C change at nucleotide 76 in a gene on one chromosome
and the absence of the entire coding DNA Reference Sequence on the
other chromosome
NOTE: the description c.0
should preferably not be used,
it does not specify the extent (begin / end) of the deletion.
- c.[350G>A(;)1210-12T[7];[9](;)1521_1523del] describes a case
where variants c.350G>A, c.1210-12T[7], c.1210-12T[9]
and c.1521_1523del were detected but without information on which
variants are found together on one chromosome
- two
changes in one gene with chromosomes unknown are described as
"[change1 (;) change2]" (see
c.[76A>C(;)283G>C] denotes that two changes were identified in
one individual (an A to C change at nucleotide 76 and a G to C change
at nucleotide 283), but it is not known whether these changes are on
the same chromosome (in cis) or on different chromosomes (in trans)
- changes
in different genes on one chromosome are described as
When a coding DNA reference sequence
is used the description should clearly indicate based on which
reference sequence each variant is described. This can be done using
either the accession.version number
or the Gene Symbol (i.e. when
elsewhere the reference sequence connected to each gene is specified).
- hg19
describes a A to G change at nucleotide g.30683643 (GK gene) and a T
to G change at nucleotide g.33038273 (DMD gene) on one X-chromosome
based on the genomic reference sequence of genome build hg19.
- c.[NM_000167.5:94A>G;NM_004006.2:76A>C]
describes a A to G change at nucleotide c.94 (GK gene, based on
coding DNA reference sequence NM_000167.5) and a A to C change at
nucleotide c.76 (DMD gene, based on coding DNA reference sequence
NM_004006.2) on one X-chromosome.
- c.[GK:94A>G;DMD:76A>C]
describes a A to G change at nucleotide c.94 (GK gene) and a A to C
change at nucleotide c.76 (DMD gene) on one X-chromosome. Elsewhere
the coding DNA reference sequences are specified as NM_000167.5 for
GK and NM_004006.2 for DMD.
- changes
in different genes on different chromosome are described as "[change1]
When a coding DNA reference sequence
is used the description should clearly indicate based on which
reference sequence each variant is described. This can be done using
either the accession.version number
or the Gene Symbol (i.e. when
elsewhere the reference sequence connected to each gene is specified).
- hg19 chr1:g.[35227587C>G]
describes a C to G change at nucleotide g.35227587
(GJB4 gene) on chromosome-1 and an
A to T change at nucleotide
(GJB2 gene) on chromosome-13 based on the genomic reference sequence
of genome build hg19.
- NM_153212.2:c.[732C>G]
describes a C to G change at nucleotide c.732 (GJB4 gene, chromosome
1, based on coding DNA reference sequence NM_153212.2)
and an
A to T change at nucleotide
c.638 (GJB2 gene, chromosome 13, based on coding DNA reference
sequence NM_004004.5).
- GJB4:c.[732C>G] GJB2:c.[638T>A]
describes a C to G change at nucleotide c.732 (GJB4 gene, chromosome
1) and deletion of a G at
nucleotide c.35 (GJB3 gene, chromosome 13). Elsewhere the
coding DNA reference sequences are specified as NM_153212.2
for GJB4 and NM_004004.5
for GJB2.
- two different nucleotides in one position caused by somatic
mosaicims are described as "[=/nucleotide 2]" (see
- c.[83G=/83G>C] describes a mosaic case where at position 83
besides the normal sequence (a G, described as '=') also chromosomes
are found containing a C (c.83G>C)
- two different nucleotides in one position caused by chimerism
are described as "[=//nucleotide 2]"
- c.[=//83G>C] describes a chimeric case where at position 83
besides the normal sequence (a G, described as '=') also cells are
found containing another chromosome containing a C at this position
A frequently occuring sequence change is the variability of repeated
sequences. Within this category we discriminate both small sequences
(mono-, di-, tri-, etc nucleotide repeats) as well as the much larger
ones. Such changes are described using the format "position-first-repeat-unit_[number]"
(e.g. g.123_124[4]) where position-first-repeat-unit
gives the location of the first unit of the variable sequence
repeat and [number] the number of units present
in the allele described.
- the first unit of the repeat is preferably described based on
position, like. g.123_124. For short/simple repeats it is
acceptable to include the content of the repeated unit, using the
format "position-first-nucleotide-repeat_content" like g.123TG[4].
Do not use a mix of these descriptions like
g.123_124TG[4]. This contains redundant information (123_124 and TG)
with the danger of being in conflict.
NOTE: including the content
of the sequence involved quickly gives descriptions which become too
- uncertainties regarding the number of repeated copies are given
between brackets, like c.-128GGC[(600_800)].
- the
repeated sequences may have complex structures, consisting of a mix of
several repeated sequences directly following each other. When
sequenced, one should describe it including the individual repeated
elements, like g.456TG[4]TA[9]TG[3] (or
g.456_465[4]466_489[9]490_499[3]). When not sequenced, but based
on fragment size, it should be described like g.456_465[16].
- the same format can be used to describe the presence of multiple
copies (triplication, quadruplication, etc.) of larger sequences, e.g.
exons. Square brackets ("[ ]") should only be
used when their is experimental evidence that the additional copies are
in tandem on the same chromosome.
NOTE: the description "dup" (see
Standards) may by definition only be used when
the additional copy is directly 3'-flanking of the original copy
(tandem duplication). In many cases there will be no
experimental proof, the additional copy may be anywhere in
the genome (i.e. inserted / transposed).
- g.123_124[4] (alternatively g.123TG[4]) describes a sequence
variable in the number of TG repeats where the first unit is present at
position g.123_124 in the genomic reference sequence and the allele
described contains 4 units.
- c.1210-12T[5_9] describes a famous variable stretch of 5 to 9
T-residues in intron 9 of the CFTR gene. The most commonly used CFTR
coding DNA reference sequence contains a stretch of 7 T's. It is
recommended to describe individual alleles differing from this reference
sequence as c.1210-12T[5] (not c.1210-7_1210-6delTT) or
c.1210-12T[9] (not c.1210-7_1210-6dupTT).
NOTE: the repeat should not be described as c.1210-6T[5_9]
- c.123+74TG[3_6] (alternatively c.123+74_123+75[3_6]) indicates
that a TG di-nucleotide repeat is present, starting at nucleotide 74 in
the intron following cDNA nucelotide c.123, which is found varying from
3 to 6 copies in the population
- c.123+74TG[4];[5] denotes that a person carries a TG
di-nucleotide repeat of length 4 on one chromosome and of length 5
on the other chromosome
- in literature the Fragile-X tri-nucleotide repeat is known as the
CGG-repeat, but based on the coding DNA reference sequence (GenBank
NM_002024.4) and the rule that for all descriptions the most
3' position possible should be arbitrarily assigned the repeat
has to be described as a GGC-repeat. In addition the repeat is
interrupted by GGA triplets (see e.g. Eichler
1995) making it a complex repeat which can not be accurately
described based on sizing only. The sequence represented by the FMR1
coding DNA Reference Sequence (GenBank NM_002024.5)
is c.-128GGC[9]GGA[1]GGC[10].
NOTE: based
on coding DNA reference sequence NM_002024.3
this variant is described as c.-158GGC[9]GGA[1]GGC[9]GGA[1]GGC[10]. To
prevent such differences the recommendation is to use the stable LRG
reference sequence (Locus Reference Genomic sequence, Dalgleish
et al. 2010); for FMR1 LRG_762t1:c.-128GGC[9]GGA[1]GGC[10].
- c.-128_-126[79] describes the presence of an allele with an
extended GGC-repeat of exactly 79 units.
the description c.-128GGC[79] can not be used since the repeat is
probably interrupted by one or more GGA-triplets
- c.-128_-126[(600_800)] describes the presence of an extended
GGC-repeat with an estimated length between 600 and 800 copies
brackets are used to indicate uncertainties (see
Uncertainties), the description c.-128GGC[(600_800)] can
not be used since the repeat is probably interrupted by one or more
- c.-128_-126[(1000)] describes the presence of an extended
GGC-repeat of about 1000 units.
brackets are used to indicate uncertainties (see
Uncertainties), the description c.-128GGC[(1000)] can
not be used since the repeat is probably interrupted by one or more
- c.1032-?_1357+?[3]
denotes a direct triplication of an exon, starting at an unknown
position in the flanking upstream intron (upstream of coding DNA
nucleotide 1032) and ending at an unknown position in the flanking
downstram intron (downstream of coding DNA nucleotide 1357)
NOTE: the use of tri (for triplication), qua (for
quadruplication), etc. is not recommended (see
- g.1209_4523[12_45] denotes that a 3.3 kb repeat sequence of which the
first copy is present in the genomic reference sequence from nucleotides
1209 to 4523 can be found repeated 12 to 45 times in the population
- g.1209_4523[14];[23] denotes that a person carries a 3.3 kb
repeat with 14 copies on one chromosome and of 23 copies on the
other chromosome
Sequence changes can be very complex, involving several changes at a
specific location. The description of such changes using the
recommendations given above can become rather complicated and at some
point, although literally correct, effectively meaningless. In such cases
the recommendation is to submit the sequence that has been determined to
GenBank and to use the accession.version number in the description.
- c.123_678conNM_004006.1:c.123_678 describes a gene conversion
replacing nucleotides c.123 to c.4567 of the coding DNA sequence of
the transcript of interest with nucleotides c.123 to c.678 from a
transcript sequence as present in GenBank file NM_004006 (version 1)
- c.88+101_oGJB2:c.355-1045del denotes a deletion which ends in the
flanking GJB2 gene at position 355-1045 (in the intron between
nucleotides 354 and 355) on the reverse strand (the genes are thus
located and fused in opposite transcriptional directions, see
- c.123+54_123+55insAB012345.2:g.76_420 denotes an intronic insertion
(between nucleotides c.123+54 and 123+55) of 345 nucleotides
(nucleotides 76 to 420 like in GenBank file AB012345 version 2)
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