A (132) | B (54) | C (205) | D (45) | E (30) | F (80) | G (88) | H (109) | I (76) | J (9) | K (51) | L (35) | M (124) | N (53) | O (17) | P (143) | Q (1) | R (69) | S (130) | T (112) | U (26) | V (12) | W (12) | X (7) | Y (1) | Z (25)
UBA1 ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 1 314370 UBA1 database at LOVD Johan T. den Dunnen Leiden Univ. Med Centre (acting), Curator vacancy
UBE2A ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2A (RAD6 homolog) 312180 UBE2A database at LOVD Johan T. den Dunnen Leiden Univ. Med Centre (acting), Curator vacancy
UBE3A ubiquitin protein ligase E3A 601623 NGRL, Manchester LOVD Bharathi Kattamuri and Simon Ramsden
UBQLN2 ubiquilin 2 300264 UBQLN2 database at LOVD Johan T. den Dunnen Leiden Univ. Med Centre (acting), Curator vacancy
UNC119 unc-119 homolog (C. elegans) 604011 Mutations of HRG4 Retina International
UNG uracil-DNA glycosylase 191525 UNGbase: Mutation registry for UNG deficiency (Hyper-IgM syndrome, type 5) Anne Durandy and Mauno Vihinen, Univ. of Tampere, Tampere, Finland
USH1C Usher syndrome 1C (autosomal recessive, severe) 605242 Mutations of the Harmonin Gene Retina International
USH1C Usher syndrome 1C (autosomal recessive, severe) 605242 The UMD USH1C mutations database A.-F. Roux and D. Baux
USH1C Usher syndrome 1C (autosomal recessive, severe) 605242 Retinal and hearing impairment genetic mutation database USH1C David Baux
USH1C Usher syndrome 1C (autosomal recessive, severe) 605242 **PUBLIC** CCHMC Molecular Genetics Laboratory Mutation Database Ammar Husami and Theru A. Sivakumaran
USH2A Usher syndrome 2A (autosomal recessive, mild) 608400 The UMD USH2A mutations database A.-F. Roux and D. Baux
USH2A Usher syndrome 2A (autosomal recessive, mild) 608400 Retinal and hearing impairment genetic mutation database USH2A David Baux
USH2A Usher syndrome 2A (autosomal recessive, mild) 608400 Mutations of the USH2a Gene Retina International
USH2A Usher syndrome 2A (autosomal recessive, mild) 608400 **PUBLIC** CCHMC Molecular Genetics Laboratory Mutation Database Ammar Husami and Theru A. Sivakumaran
USP11 ubiquitin specific peptidase 11 300050 USP11 database at LOVD Johan T. den Dunnen Leiden Univ. Med Centre (acting), Curator vacancy
USP9X ubiquitin specific peptidase 9, X-linked 300072 USP9X database at LOVD Johan T. den Dunnen Leiden Univ. Med Centre (acting), Curator vacancy
USP26 ubiquitin specific peptidase 26 300309 USP26 database at LOVD Johan T. den Dunnen Leiden Univ. Med Centre (acting), Curator vacancy
USH1G Usher syndrome 1G (autosomal recessive) 607696 The UMD USH1G mutations database A.-F. Roux and D. Baux
USH1G Usher syndrome 1G (autosomal recessive) 607696 Retinal and hearing impairment genetic mutation database USH1G David Baux
USH1G Usher syndrome 1G (autosomal recessive) 607696 **PUBLIC** CCHMC Molecular Genetics Laboratory Mutation Database Ammar Husami and Theru A. Sivakumaran
UPF3B UPF3 regulator of nonsense transcripts homolog B (yeast) 300298 UPF3B database at LOVD Johan T. den Dunnen Leiden Univ. Med Centre (acting), Curator vacancy
USP51 ubiquitin specific peptidase 51 \N USP51 database at LOVD Jacopo Celli and Johan den Dunnen Leiden Univ. Med Centre (acting), Curator vacancy
UNC13D unc-13 homolog D (C. elegans) 608897 UNC13Dbase: Mutation registry for Familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis 3 Mauno Vihinen, Univ. of Tampere, Tampere, Finland
UNC13D unc-13 homolog D (C. elegans) 608897 CCHMC - Human Genetics Mutation Database Ammar Husami and Theru A. Sivakumaran
UPRT uracil phosphoribosyltransferase (FUR1) homolog (S. cerevisiae) 300656 UPRT database at LOVD Johan T. den Dunnen Leiden Univ. Med Centre (acting), Curator vacancy
UBE2NL ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2N-like \N UBE2NL database at LOVD Johan T. den Dunnen Leiden Univ. Med Centre (acting), Curator vacancy

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