
We are always looking for material to add to the newsletters.

If you would like to submit information of relevance to our "Correspondence" section please email your paragraph to Rania: rania[at sign]

HGVS Newsletters

October 2008

April 2006

February 2006

December 2005

October 2005

September 2004

June 2004

August 2003

April 2003

January 2003

July 2002

May 2002

March 2002

HUGO- MDI Newsletters

No. 18 December 2001

No. 17 Oct. 2001

No. 16 July 2001

No. 15 Feb. 2001

No. 14 Dec. 2000

No. 13 July 2000

No. 12 Nov '99

No. 11 Sept '99

No. 10 Jul '99

No. 9 May '99

No. 8 Mar '99

No. 7 Jan '99

No. 6 Sept '98

No. 5 July '98

Nos. 1 - 4 Aug '97 - May '98

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