Clinical & Patient Aspects Databases

Database Curator
Alzheimer Research Forum National Institute of Ageing
Canadian Genetic Diseases Network Medical Research Council of Canada
Case Health Case Health, This site is dedicated to collecting, storing, cross-referencing, and sharing health event case studies from families and friends
CF Web- Online Information about Cystic Fibrosis Robert Calhoun and Michael Ernst
Council of Regional Networks (CORN) for Genetic Services Maternal and Child Health Bureau, US Dept. of Health & Human Services
DMD Registry The UK registry for participants with DMD/BMD Robin Sharp and Nick Catlin
FacioScapuloHumeral Society (Landouzy-Dejerine disease, FSH, FSHD) (info for a better understainding of this disease) FacioScapuloHumeral Society, Inc., U.S.A.
Favism database- Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. (Patient info.) Mestre-Venice
GeneClinics:Medical Genetics Knowledge Base Roberta A. Pagon Seattle, WA, U.S.A
Genetic Alliance Genetic Alliance


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